International Editorial Board
Wang Yingkuan
2009, 2(2): Inside.
Abstract PDF
IJABE Guidelines for Authors
Wang Yingkuan
2009, 2(2): Inside.
Abstract PDF
Optimal design of rotary tiller
Kaveh Mollazade, Hojat Ahmadi, Reza Alimardani
2009, 2(2): 1-7.
Abstract PDF
Comparison of soil carbon dioxide emission between controlled and random traffic under conservation tillage
Hu Lifeng, Li Hongwen, Zhang Xuemin, He Jin
2009, 2(2): 8-13.
Abstract PDF
Effect of NaCl salt on mineralization and nitrification of a silt loam soil in the North China Plain
Huang Quanzhong, Huang Guanhua
2009, 2(2): 14-23.
Abstract PDF
Preparation and flexural properties of biomimetic laminated boards made from starch and maize straw fibers
Zhang Fu, Wu Na, Tong Jin, Zhou Jiang, Yang Xin, Ma Yunhai, Chen Donghui, Sun Jiyu
2009, 2(2): 24-31.
Abstract PDF
Liquefaction of corn stover using industrial biodiesel glycerol
Yuanhua Wang, Jianping Wu, Yiqin Wan, Hanwu Lei, Fei Yu, Paul Chen, Xiangyang Lin, Yuhuan Liu, Roger Ruan
2009, 2(2): 32-40.
Abstract PDF
Computational investigation of the effect of biodiesel fuel properties on diesel engine NOx emissions
Wenqiao Yuan, A. C. Hansen
2009, 2(2): 41-48.
Abstract PDF
Moisture-dependent physical and mechanical properties of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) seed
Kaveh Mollazade, Hojat Ahmadi, Jalal Khorshidi, Ali Rajabipour, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi
2009, 2(2): 49-56.
Abstract PDF
Optimization of supercritical fluid extraction of daidzein from soybean after extrusion
Zhou Quancheng, Li Lei, Shen Dechao
2009, 2(2): 57-64.
Abstract PDF
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of polysaccharides in the flower of Platycodon grandiflorum by response surface methodology
Li Lei, Zhang Jinping, Zhou Quancheng
2009, 2(2): 65-74.
Abstract PDF