Mechanized transplanting technology for rice seedlings growing in molded-hole pre-nursery tray made of rice straw
Wang Chun
2011, 4(2): Cover .
Abstract PDF
Impact of global climate change on the health, welfare and productivity of intensively housed livestock
Tadeusz Kuczynski, Victoria Blanes-Vidal, Baoming Li, Richard S Gates, Irenilza de Alencar Naas, Daniella J Moura, Daniel Berckmans, Thomas M Banhazi
2011, 4(2): 1-22.
Abstract PDF
Performance analysis of karanja and kusum oils as alternative bio-diesel fuel in diesel engine
Saroj Kumar Acharya, Mishra A K, Rath M, Nayak C
2011, 4(2): 23-28. DOI: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2011.02.023-028
Abstract PDF
Effects of tilt angle of disk plough on some soil physical properties, work rate and wheel slippage under light clay soil
Abdalla N. Osman, Li Xia, Zhang Dongxing
2011, 4(2): 29-35.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on physical and mechanical parameters of matured bottom stalk of the reed for harvester design
Zhen Cao, Xin Jin, Qingxi Liao
2011, 4(2): 36-42. DOI: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2011.02.036-042
Abstract PDF
Field assessment of bacteria and nutrient removal by vegetative filter strips
Kyle R Douglas-Mankin, Cairo G Okoren
2011, 4(2): 43-49.
Abstract PDF
Response of upland rice agronomic parameters to variable water supply
Christopher Oluwakunmi Akinbile, Sangodoyin Abimbola Y
2011, 4(2): 50-58.
Abstract PDF
Appraisal of the structure and facilities available in selected pig farm houses in Ondo State
Folayan Richard Falayi
2011, 4(2): 59-63.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of powered charcoal stove by using different biomass fuels
Joseph Shian Alakali, Gwandi Taa'wu Kachataiya, Christopher Ty Kucha
2011, 4(2): 64-73. DOI: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2011.02.064-073
Abstract PDF
Comprehensive evaluation and selection of the potential complex medium for industrial glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) production by Escherichia coli
Wanying Yao, Xiao Wu, Jun Zhu, Bo Sun
2011, 4(2): 74-82.
Abstract PDF
Study and comparison of various image edge detection techniques used in quality inspection and evaluation of agricultural and food products by computer vision
Narendra V G, Hareesh K S
2011, 4(2): 83-90.
Abstract PDF
CIGR-AgEng2012, International Conference of Agricultural Engineering
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(2): 91-92.
Abstract PDF
The XVIII CIGR World Congress 2014 on Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering -Upgrading Our Quality of Life
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(2): 93-94.
Abstract PDF