International Editorial Board
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(3)
Abstract PDF
Research Team of Food Processing and Engineering, Zhejiang University
Ye Xingqian, Liu Donghong
2012, 5(3): Cover .
Abstract PDF
IJABE Guidelines for Authors
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(3)
Abstract PDF
The XVIII CIGR World Congress 2014 on Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering -Upgrading Our Quality of Life
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(3)
Abstract PDF
Recognition of Fill Walnuts and Empty Walnuts Using Acoustic Signal Processing
smail khalifa, behrouz tousi, Mohammad Hassan Komarizadeh
2012, 5(3)
Abstract PDF
Precision Livestock Farming: An international review of scientific and commercial aspects
Thomas M. Banhazi, H Lehr, J L Black, H Crabtree, P Schofield, M Tscharke, D Berckmans
2012, 5(3): 1-9. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20120503.001
Abstract PDF
Detection system of smart sprayers: Status, challenges, and perspectives
Sun Hong, Li Minzan, Zhang Qin
2012, 5(3): 10-23. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20120503.002
Abstract PDF
Assessing crop water stress of winter wheat by thermography under different irrigation regimes in North China Plain
Shamaila Zia, Wenyong Du, Wolfram Spreer, Klaus Spohrer, Xiongkui He, Joachim Muller
2012, 5(3): 24-34. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20120503.003
Abstract PDF
Simple weighing lysimeters for measuring evapotranspiration and developing crop coefficients
Daniel K. Fisher
2012, 5(3): 35-43.
Abstract PDF
Recognition of filled walnuts and empty walnuts using acoustic signal processing
smail Khalifahamzehghasem, Mohammad Hassan Komarizadeh, Mohammad Askari
2012, 5(3): 44-49. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20120503.005
Abstract PDF
Bi-objective mathematical model for choosing sugarcane varieties with harvest residual biomass in energy cogeneration
Francisco Regis Abreu Gomes
2012, 5(3): 50-58.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of Sclerocarya birrea seed oil extracted as a bioenergy resource for compression ignition engines
Robinson Ichakpa Ejilah, Abdulkadir Lukman, Adisa Ademola Bello
2012, 5(3): 59-67.
Abstract PDF
Anaerobic digestion of cyanobacteria and chlorella to produce methane for biofuel
Abiodun Jegede
2012, 5(3): 68-74.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of the structural changes of cocoa bean (with and without seed coat) during convective drying
Macmanus Chinenye Ndukwu, K J Simonyan, V I O Ndirika
2012, 5(3): 75-82.
Abstract PDF
Freeze and microwave vacuum combination drying technique for sea cucumber
Zhang Qian, Zhang Guochen, Mu Gang, Liu Yue
2012, 5(3): 83-89. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20120503.0010
Abstract PDF