e-off-print of IJABE 2012(4)
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4)
Abstract PDF
Development of sensor systems for precision agriculture in cotton
Ruixiu Sui, J. Alex Thomasson, Yufeng Ge
2012, 5(4): 1-14.
Abstract PDF
Comparing predictions of long-term soil carbon dynamics under various cropping management systems using K-model and CENTURY
Tao Li, Xiaomei Li, Yongsheng Feng
2012, 5(4): 15-30.
Abstract PDF
Theoretical performance simulation of a high pressure agro-forestry swirl nozzle
A. Taiwo, K. Oje
2012, 5(4): 31-38.
Abstract PDF
Impact of downwind sampling location and height on inverse-Gaussian dispersion modeling: A theoretical study
Heather W Jones, Lingjuan Wang-Li, Behdad Yazdani Boroujeni
2012, 5(4): 39-46.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of gradual hydroponic system for decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse in rural areas of Palestine
Marwan Haddad, Numan Mizyed, Majd Masoud
2012, 5(4): 47-53.
Abstract PDF
Precision Livestock Farming: Precision feeding technologies and sustainable livestock production
T M Banhazi, L Babinszky, V Halas, M Tscharke
2012, 5(4): 54-61.
Abstract PDF
Optimizing a nitrogen-supplemented, condensed corn soluble medium for growth of the Polyhydroxyalkanoate producer Pseudomonas putida KT217
Jeremy Javers, William Gibbons, Chinnadurai Karunanithy
2012, 5(4): 62-67.
Abstract PDF
Applying acoustic emission and neural network to classify wheat seeds from weed seeds
Smail KhalifaHamzehghasem
2012, 5(4): 68-73.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on optimizing cheese drying and ripening process
F. Giametta, E. Sorrentino, A. Lapenna, G. La Fianza
2012, 5(4): 74-82.
Abstract PDF
Drying rates of some fruits and vegetables with passive solar dryers
A. F. Alonge, O. A. Adeboye
2012, 5(4): 83-90.
Abstract PDF
Top ten most cited papers published in IJABE according to google scholar
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4): 91-91.
Abstract PDF
IJABE is a fast-growing peer-review OA journal
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4): 92-93.
Abstract PDF
The XVIII CIGR World Congress 2014 on Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering -Upgrading Our Quality of Life
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4): 94-95.
Abstract PDF
IJABE Guidelines for Authors
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4): 96-103.
Abstract PDF
IJABE Total Table of Contents for 2012 5(1)-5(4)
Wang Yingkuan
2012, 5(4): 104-108.
Abstract PDF