Development and prospect of unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for agricultural production management
Yanbo Huang, Steven J. Thomson, W. Clint Hoffmann, Yubin Lan, Bradley K. Fritz
2013, 6(3): 1-10.
Abstract PDF
Design and experiment on intelligent fuzzy monitoring system for corn planters
Du Ruicheng, Gong Bingcai, Liu Ningning, Wang Chenchen, Yang Zidong, Ma Mingjian
2013, 6(3): 11-18.
Abstract PDF
Performance evaluation of cone penetrometer device for measuring the subsoil compaction in mulched plots
R. Thiyagarajan, G.C. Jayashree, A.P. Mohankumar, P. Vijayakumary
2013, 6(3): 19-27.
Abstract PDF
Financial management for custom hire service of tractor in Bangladesh
Anisur Rahman, Most. Latifunnahar, Md. Monjurul Alam
2013, 6(3): 28-33.
Abstract PDF
Poverty alleviation and resource conservation through development of cost effective technology at foot hill of Shivalik
R Kumar, P K Singh, B A Langoo
2013, 6(3): 34-40.
Abstract PDF
Estimation of citrus canker lesion size using hyperspectral reflectance imaging
Nikhil P. Niphadkar, Thomas F. Burks, Jianwei Qin, Mark A. Ritenour
2013, 6(3): 41-51.
Abstract PDF
Recognition algorithm for plant leaves based on adaptive supervised locally linear embedding
Yan Qing, Liang Dong, Zhang Dongyan, Wang Xiu
2013, 6(3): 52-57.
Abstract PDF
Drying characteristics and quality of bananas under infrared radiation heating
Milly A. Pekke, Zhongli Pan, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Gary Smith, James F. Thompson
2013, 6(3): 58-70.
Abstract PDF
Influence of ripening conditions on Scamorza cheese quality
E. Sorrentino, L. Tipaldi, G. Pannella, G. La Fianza, M. Succi, P. Tremonte
2013, 6(3): 71-79.
Abstract PDF
Influences of microwave vacuum puffing conditions on anthocyanin content of raspberry snack
Mu Yanqiu, Zhao Xinhuai, Liu Bingxin, Liu Chenghai, Zheng Xianzhe
2013, 6(3): 80-87.
Abstract PDF
Separation of shelled walnut particles using pneumatic method
A. Mokhtari Nahal, A. Arabhosseini, M. H. Kianmehr
2013, 6(3): 88-93.
Abstract PDF
Modulation of fasting blood glucose by raw banana powder in alloxan-induced diabetic rats
Bai Yongliang, Yu Ming, Du Bing, Chen Qingfa, Yang Gongming
2013, 6(3): 94-102.
Abstract PDF
Warm congratulations on IJABE's inclusion in Ei Compendex
Wang Yingkuan
2013, 6(3): 103-103.
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Top ten most cited papers published in IJABE according to Thomson Reuters and Google Scholar
Wang Yingkuan
2013, 6(3): 104-104.
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IJABE is a fast-growing peer-reviewed OA journal: Updated Introduction to IJABE in 2013
Wang Yingkuan
2013, 6(3): 105-106.
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IJABE Guidelines for Authors
Wang Yingkuan
2013, 6(3): 107-114.
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