International Editorial Board
2015, 8(3): Front .
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Acknowledgements to Supporters
2015, 8(3)
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Figure 5 from Bressiani D A, et al.
2015, 8(3)
Abstract PDF
Figures 1-4 from Bressiani D A, et al.
2015, 8(3)
Abstract PDF
Table of Contents
2015, 8(3)
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Cover of Issue 3, 2015
2015, 8(3)
Abstract PDF
SWAT Special Issue published in IJABE
Wang Yingkuan
2015, 8(3): 01-02(Front Insert). DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.editorial
Abstract PDF
IJABE SWAT Special Issue: Innovative modeling solutions for water resource problems
Philip W. Gassman, Wang Yingkuan
2015, 8(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1763
Abstract PDF
Review of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) applications in Brazil: Challenges and prospects
Danielle de Almeida Bressiani, Philip W. Gassman, Josimar Gurgel Fernandes, Luis Hamilton Pospissil Garbossa, Raghavan Srinivasan, Nadia Bernardi Bonumá, Eduardo Mario Mendiondo
2015, 8(3): 9-35. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1765
Abstract PDF
Impacts of climate change on hydrology, water quality and crop productivity in the Ohio-Tennessee River Basin
Yiannis Panagopoulos, Philip W. Gassman, Raymond W. Arritt, Daryl E. Herzmann, Todd D. Campbell, Adriana Valcu, Manoj K. Jha, Catherine L. Kling, Raghavan Srinivasan, Michael White, Jeffrey G. Arnold
2015, 8(3): 36-53. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1497
Abstract PDF
Evaluation of alternative surface runoff accounting procedures using SWAT model
Haw Yen, Michael J. White, Jaehak Jeong, Mazdak Arabi, Jeffrey G. Arnold
2015, 8(3): 64-68. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.833
Abstract PDF
Defining Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic response units (HRUs) by field boundaries
Margaret M. Kalcic, Indrajeet Chaubey, Jane Frankenberger
2015, 8(3): 69-80. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.951
Abstract PDF
Code modernization and modularization of APEX and SWAT watershed simulation models
Robin A. J. Taylor, Jaehak Jeong, Michael White, Jeffrey G. Arnold
2015, 8(3): 81-94. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1081
Abstract PDF
Assessing impacts of different land use scenarios on water budget of Fuhe River, China using SWAT model
Tao Can, Chen Xiaoling, Lu Jianzhong, Philip W. Gassman, Sauvage Sabine, Sanchez Perez José-Miguel
2015, 8(3): 95-109. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1132
Abstract PDF
Using SWAT to simulate crop yields and salinity levels in the North Fork River Basin, USA
Aaron Ray Mittelstet, Daniel E. Storm, Art L. Stoecker
2015, 8(3): 110-124. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.950
Abstract PDF
Effects of spatial and temporal weather data resolutions on streamflow modeling of a semi-arid basin, Northeast Brazil
Danielle de Almeida Bressiani, Raghavan Srinivasan, Charles Allan Jones, Eduardo Mario Mendiondo
2015, 8(3): 125-139. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.970
Abstract PDF
Anthropogenic impacts to the sediment budget of São Francisco River navigation channel using SWAT
Calvin T. Creech, Rafael Brito Siqueira, James P. Selegean, Carol Miller
2015, 8(3): 140-157. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1372
Abstract PDF
Soil-Landscape Estimation and Evaluation Program (SLEEP) to predict spatial distribution of soil attributes for environmental modeling
Feras Mousa Ziadat, Dhanesh Yeganantham, David Shoemate, Raghavan Srinivasan, Balaji Narasimhan, Jaclyn Tech
2015, 8(3): 158-172. DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20150803.1270
Abstract PDF
IJABE is a fast-growing peer-reviewed OA journal Updated Introduction to IJABE
2015, 8(3): 173-174.
Abstract PDF
IJABE Guidelines for Authors
2015, 8(3): 175-182.
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