Table of Contents
2022, 15(6)
Abstract PDF
Fourth-term IJABE International Editorial Board
2022, 15(6)
Abstract PDF
Research on rice combine harvester from NEAU
2022, 15(6)
Abstract PDF
Welcome to publish with IJABE
2022, 15(6)
Abstract PDF
Development of UAV-based shot seeding device for rice planting
Wei Liu, Shuaishuai Zou, Xuelang Xu, Qingyu Gu, Weizhuo He, Jun Huang, Junhao Huang, Zichen Lyu, Jianqin Lin, Zhiyan Zhou, Rui Jiang, Xiwen Luo
2022, 15(6): 1-7. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7301
Abstract PDF
Design and application of the dynamic detection platform for testing the micromechanical properties of agricultural products
Yifeng Hao, Yongwei Wang, Qianjing Jiang, Jing Zhang, Jun Wang
2022, 15(6): 8-15. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6548
Abstract PDF
Parameter calibration of American ginseng seeds for discrete element simulation
Wenxin Zhang, Fangyan Wang
2022, 15(6): 16-22. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7338
Abstract PDF
Effects of maturity of citrus fruits on their stalks cutting force
Yi Wang, Dun Liu, Yali Li, Hongmei Zhao, Changhui Yang, Yitan Zhang
2022, 15(6): 23-30. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221505.7063
Abstract PDF
Effects of soil mechanical properties on the height and tractive performance of rubber grouser at different moisture contents
Sher Ali Shaikh, Yaoming Li, Zheng Ma, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
2022, 15(6): 31-37. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7137
Abstract PDF
Mechanical model for double side self-propelled rolling machine based on rigid and flexible contact dynamics
Yiming Li, Yu Liu, Xiang Yue, Zhongqiu Li, Xingan Liu, Tianlai Li
2022, 15(6): 38-43. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6485
Abstract PDF
Effects of daily light integral on tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.) grafting and quality in a controlled environment
Jinxiu Song, Yulong Fan, Xingqun Li, Yuzhu Li, Hanping Mao, Zhiyu Zuo, Zhirong Zou
2022, 15(6): 44-50. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7409
Abstract PDF
Response of tomato growth to continuous elevated CO2 concentration under controlled environment
Muhammad Akhlaq, Chuan Zhang, Haofang Yan, Mingxiong Ou, Wencheng Zhang, Shaowei Liang, Rana Muhammad Adnan Ikram
2022, 15(6): 51-59. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7418
Abstract PDF
Morphology, growth, and physiological traits of greenhouse cucumber seedlings as affected by supplementary white and blue LEDs
Zhengnan Yan, Long Wang, Jie Cheng, Duo Lin, Yanjie Yang
2022, 15(6): 60-66. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7351
Abstract PDF
Effects of different root zone heating systems on microclimate and crop development in solar greenhouses
Fen He, Jing Tian, Liu Wang, Yong Hou, Fei Qi, Yanping Zhang, Libao Zhu, Zhonghua Li
2022, 15(6): 67-72. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7581
Abstract PDF
Modelling of phosphorus accumulation in an aeroponic coriander crop
Alejandro Rincón Santamaría, John E. Candelo-Becerra, Fredy E. Hoyos Velasco
2022, 15(6): 73-79. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6760
Abstract PDF
Anti-clogging ability of the labyrinth emitter and its evaluation method
Wenqian Zhang, Zhaoxi Wang, Senhao Cheng, Aihong Dong, Erxin Zhang, Wenquan Niu
2022, 15(6): 80-90. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6781
Abstract PDF
Sensor fusion-based approach for the field robot localization on Rovitis 4.0 vineyard robot
Jurij Rakun, Matteo Pantano, Peter Lepej, Miran Lakota
2022, 15(6): 91-95. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6415
Abstract PDF
Design and optimization of the parameters of the key components for reed harvester
Jicheng Huang, Bin Zhang, Kunpeng Tian, Haolu Liu, Cheng Shen
2022, 15(6): 96-103. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7909
Abstract PDF
Potato planter test bed based on capacitive precision seed-monitoring and miss-seeding compensation system
Hua Zhang, Wuyun Zhao, Wei Sun, Guanping Wang, Xiaolong Liu, Bin Feng, Linrong Shi, Yan Liu, Hongling Li
2022, 15(6): 104-112. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijane.20221506.6785
Abstract PDF
Screening and impurity removal device to improve the accuracy of moisture content detection device for rice
Han Tang, Changsu Xu, Jiale Zhao, Yijia Wang
2022, 15(6): 113-123. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7299
Abstract PDF
Study on positive-negative pressure seed metering device for wide-seedling-strip-seeding
Xiaoshun Zhao, Wenjie Bai, Jincai Li, Huali Yu, Dawei Zhao, Baozhong Yin
2022, 15(6): 124-133. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7261
Abstract PDF
Correction of measurement errors on sediment concentration sampled by stirring-sampling method from traditional runoff collection tanks
Yuhan Huang, Mingquan Zhao, Hui Zhao, Tingwu Lei, Ju Tang, Wei Wang
2022, 15(6): 134-142. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6972
Abstract PDF
Effects of autumn plowing on the movement and correlation of moisture, heat and nitrate nitrogen in seasonal freeze-thaw soil
Kai Sun, Chunxia Wang, Hongguang Liu, Fei Liang, Yaqin Wang
2022, 15(6): 143-152. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7269
Abstract PDF
Effects of biodegradable mulching films on soil hydrothermal conditions and yield of drip-irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Dongwang Wang, Zhenhua Wang, Hongwei Ding, Bo Zhou, Jinzhu Zhang, Wenhao Li, Haiqiang Li, Yam P. Dhital, Tianyu Wang, Rui Zong
2022, 15(6): 153-164. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7353
Abstract PDF
Effects of water-salt coordinated regulation technique on ion distribution and antioxidant enzyme activities in tomato
Weihua Wang, Yidan Gong, Xuguang Xing, Fengyue Zhao, Xue Zhang
2022, 15(6): 165-174. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6845
Abstract PDF
Recognition and localization of strawberries from 3D binocular cameras for a strawberry picking robot using coupled YOLO/Mask R-CNN
Heming Hu, Yutaka Kaizu, Hongduo Zhang, Yongwei Xu, Kenji Imou, Ming Li, Jingjing Huang, Sihui Dai
2022, 15(6): 175-179. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7306
Abstract PDF
Highly sensitive detection of daminozide using terahertz metamaterial sensors
Hanping Mao, Xiaoxue Du, Yuting Yan, Xiaodong Zhang, Guoxin Ma, Yafei Wang, Yong Liu, Bin Wang, Xiaoyue Yang, Qiang Shi
2022, 15(6): 180-188. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7600
Abstract PDF
Automatic detection of pecan fruits based on Faster RCNN with FPN in orchard
Chunhua Hu, Zefeng Shi, Hailin Wei, Xiangdong Hu, Yuning Xie, Pingping Li
2022, 15(6): 189-196. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7241
Abstract PDF
Method for measuring the steering wheel angle of paddy field agricultural machinery by integrating RTK-GNSS and dual-MEMS gyroscope
Pei Wang, Lian Hu, Jie He, Siqi Ke, Zhongxian Man, Tuanpeng Tu, Luning Yang, Yuanyuan Li, YangLing Yi, Weicong Li, Xiwen Luo
2022, 15(6): 197-205. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7523
Abstract PDF
Monocular vision for variable spray control system
Daozong Sun, Weikang Liu, Runmei Luo, Xurui Zhan, Zehong Chen, Tao Wei, Xinrui Wang, Xiuyun Xue, Zhen Li, Shuran Song
2022, 15(6): 206-215. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7646
Abstract PDF
Non-destructive detection of the fruit firmness of Korla fragrant pear based on electrical properties
Hong Zhang, Yang Liu, Yurong Tang, Haipeng Lan, Hao Niu, Hong Zhang
2022, 15(6): 216-221. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6890
Abstract PDF
Parallel channel and position attention-guided feature pyramid for pig face posture detection
Zhiwei Hu, Hongwen Yan, Tiantian Lou
2022, 15(6): 222-234. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7329
Abstract PDF
Hyperspectral detection of walnut protein contents based on improved whale optimized algorithm
Yao Zhang, Zezhong Tian, Wenqiang Ma, Man Zhang, Liling Yang
2022, 15(6): 235-241. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.7179
Abstract PDF
Effects of pulsation ratio on center temperature and drying characteristics of pineapple slices with pulsed vacuum drying
Dalong Jiang, Congcong Li, Zifan Lin, Yuntian Wu, Hongjuan Pei
2022, 15(6): 242-253. DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221506.6665
Abstract PDF
2022 IJABE Reviewer Acknowledgement
2022, 15(6): 254-262.
Abstract PDF
Total Table of Contents in 2022
2022, 15(6): 263-270.
Abstract PDF