New Year Greeting from Editor-in-chief
Roger Ruan
2011, 4(4)
Abstract PDF
Center of Digital Agriculture and Rural Information, Zhejiang University
He Yong
2011, 4(4): Cover .
Abstract PDF
Assessing cotton defoliation, regrowth control and root rot infection using remote sensing technology
Chenghai Yang, Shoil M. Greenberg, Shoil M. Greenberg, James H. Everitt, James H. Everitt, Carlos J. Fernandez, Carlos J. Fernandez
2011, 4(4): 1-11.
Abstract PDF
Utilization of mechanical compression as a disinfestation technique for Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor (say)) in timothy hay: Field test
Lope G. Tabil, S. Talebi, M. D. Shaw, W. J. Crerar
2011, 4(4): 12-20.
Abstract PDF
Development of a tractor-pulled motion resistance test rig for traction studies on towed narrow wheels
D. Ahmad, S. Shamsuddin, A. B. Fashina, Fatai Bukola Akande
2011, 4(4): 21-27.
Abstract PDF
Characterization of spray deposition and drift from a low drift nozzle for aerial application at different application altitudes
Yanbo Huang, Steven J. Thomson
2011, 4(4): 28-33.
Abstract PDF
Measuring efficiency of crop cleaners by image analysis
Junming Wang, Frank E. Eaton, Ted W. Sammis, MeKonnen Gebremichael
2011, 4(4): 34-41.
Abstract PDF
Computer programming for prediction of soil bulk density effect on trencher design parameters
Mohamed Hassan Dahab, Moayed Mohamed balal
2011, 4(4): 42-49.
Abstract PDF
Lysimeter based crop coefficients for estimation of crop evapotranspiration of black gram (Vigna Mungo L.) in sub-humid region
Pankaj Kumar Pandey, Vanita Pandey
2011, 4(4): 50-58.
Abstract PDF
Development status of rural informatization in Beijing, China
Ying Yu, Qin Xiangyang, Zhang Lidong
2011, 4(4): 59-65.
Abstract PDF
Effects of type of packaging material on physicochemical and sensory properties of olive oil
Taha Rababah, Feng Hao, Wade Yang, Khalil Eriefej, Mohamad Al-Omoush
2011, 4(4): 66-72.
Abstract PDF
CIGR-AgEng2012, International Conference of Agricultural Engineering
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(4): 73-74.
Abstract PDF
The XVIII CIGR World Congress 2014 on Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering -Upgrading Our Quality of Life
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(4): 75-76.
Abstract PDF
IJABE Guidelines for Authors
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(4): 77-84.
Abstract PDF
Titles of all the papers published in IJABE in 2011
Wang Yingkuan
2011, 4(4): 85-90.
Abstract PDF